Friday, May 8, 2009

My reusable shopping bags.

This is why I try hard not to accept plastic bags from any vendor at any time:
This is my neighbor's yard. I estimate that there are approximately 4 jillion
plastic bags there. This is only a third of the yard.

I implore you, please stop using these horrible bags. They are
terrible for our world. Reusable shopping bags are cute and cheap.
They come in every fabric, color and with a variety of logos and sizes.
God gave us an extraordinarily gorgeous planet and we are ruining it.
Do we want our world to end up looking
like my neighbor's yard? NO!
Do something small today for our planet. Be a good steward of the earth
that God is letting us live on.

Reusable instead of plastic, please.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing this picture, as awful as it is. I have my reusable bags in my van and forget to bring them in to the stores ALL THE TIME, and I just figure I'll do better next time... but now I will make myself go back to the van to get them! I'll let you know how I do. I'll keep this pic in my mind and maybe it'll help. Love you!
